Monday, June 24, 2013

Hunter Thompson's Disease

If I seem too melancholy
Won’t you forgive me, please
You see I woke up this morning
With Hunter Thompson’s sad disease
It’s a deep down sense of suffering
From all the hurt and pain
That builds up in a caring heart
That always feels the strain
From all the inhumanity
And all the endless greed
From tyrants drunk with power
And all their dirty deeds
From all the ones who hunger
And all of those who mourn
The losses of their loved ones
In lands that are war torn
Some days it is not so bad
And I really don’t know why
But today it has the best of me
So I just sit and cry

cn 492011


  1. I have had those days. May there be brighter days.

  2. Beautiful poem Charles...I've had those days too...I'm so glad the brighter ones come as well...
