Thinking back to harder times
When hopelessness prevailed
Afraid that love had passed me by
So sure that ship had sailed
The saddest kind of loneliness
Is when you're not alone
In the company of those who try
To turn your heart to stone
I finally surrendered
So sure my lot was cast
Until an Angel from my dreams
Appeared from my own past
Someone, who in my darkest hour
Soothed my grieving soul
Her kindness eased the pain I felt
Her sweet smile made me whole
She asked for nothing in return
And from the very start
Her selfless acts of kindness
Eased my pain and stole my heart
The love I'd only dreamed of
Had come my way at last
From this unexpected Angel
This acquaintance from the past
And now we share a sacred bond
A love so sweet and pure
With comfort and a lasting flame
That always will endure